Check out some of our BIG summer events at Grace Youth Group. Some deadlines and payment options are still to come...You should know there are family discounts for multiple kids as well as discounts for adults who join us as a chaperone. If you have a question about cost, please email Justin.

Lawn Party: Wed June 8 (Rain date June 9)
We gather together on the corner field of the church property to celebrate the end of school with food, games and our annual movie on the lawn to kick off the summer.

UE Camp: June 20-24

This sleepaway camp for 6-8th graders is truly the ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE! Mornings are focused on small group experiences and exploration that help apply the big ideas of the week. Afternoons are full of many activity options like tubing, caving, swimming, hiking, canoeing, zip line, water slide, and a trip to Gretna Lake and Beach the last full day of camp. Team competition takes place after supper, followed by our evening session. After small group time, we have a late night activity like Mission Impossible and a Counselor Hunt. Our theme this year: WHAT IF?

Creation Music Festival: June 29-July 2

Camp out with tens of thousands of others and hear the top Christians artists and speakers. Worship our Creator in a way you will never forget! Reserve your tickets by clicking the button below. Cost is $100 if reserved by May 29,(requires a non refundable $20 deposit per ticket), otherwise, the cost is $115 by June 12.
Click here to see the full line up of speakers, bands and more!

Pocono Plateau Youth Camp: July 10-16
Want a unique camping experience that is geared for all Jr./Sr. High youth? This week has: awesome worship times, family groups, low ropes, boating, a climbing tower, talent night, night games and more. High ropes are available, by choice, for those in Sr. High. More information can be found by visiting the camp's website, or picking up an information  brochure from the Youth Room.

Click here to register online or download forms.

Mission Trip to Baltimore: July 30-August 5

We’re partnering with the Center for Short Term Missions to serve the Baltimore community through work projects, a children’s program, and outreach to the homeless. This week is by far one of the most impactful events that our ministry participates in each year. You will learn more about God's love and truth while participating in ministry together as a community. Registration for our trip must be completed online by April 29. (By both student and adult participants) We will be training together as a team before leaving, as well as fundraising to help make the trip as affordable as possible.

Click here to fill out the online registration form.