What's going on this week~

Deeper Bible Study, 6:30-8:30pm
Alpha starts this week and that means we have the opportunity to join them for their dinner from 6:30-7 in the gym. We ask for a $2 donation if your child eats. We will start promptly at 7pm with our study as we look at Week 3 of our Perspectives on Poverty series.

Church Building Dream Session, 8am-Noon, in the gym
*refreshments served from 8-8:30am
As Grace looks to build for the future, we want input from students and parents now.
Join us for an interactive dream session where you can help put together a model of the new building.

Girls PJ Movie Night, 6:30-11pm, Youth Room
Put on your warmest pajamas, grab your coziest blanket & get ready to curl up in the Youth Room for a mid-winter, double feature movie night! Enjoy games, snacks, chick flicks & time with your girl friends. ** Please bring a clothing or jewelry item(s) you no longer wear, or beauty product(s) you no longer use. We will set up a store that you will be able to "shop" at during the night.

Feel free to join the fun anytime during the night.
Games start at 6:40, movies 7:15 & 9:15.

Sunday Encounter: 10-11am, Students bring a Bible!

Super Bowl Party, 6pm-??, Youth Room
We're asking students to bring a donation of canned food items as admission.
Feel free to bring board games and other activities to do while we watch the big game!