Thursday Jan 27: Deeper Bible Study
With the weather iffy, we chose to not meet in person but rather hosted a virtual Bible study online. We met in a chatroom for nearly two hours to talk about our experience of the Pathways out of Poverty exhibit and the challenge from last week (Replace our hot showers with a cold bucket shower!). Our convesation led to our week 2 lesson on spiritual poverty and we realized that we often live our lives focused on ourselves rather than pursuing the restoration of relationship with God, others and creation. But thanks be to God for His saving work among us!
Sunday Jan 30: Encounter
Using the awesome set of questions our students pulled together last week, we broke the introduction into 4 topics: 1) Who, what and why was the book written? 2) Why did Jesus have to leave? 3) What was the situation of the disciples and 4) How did Jesus prove Himself to be alive, and why?
Two small groups took each topic and studied other Scripture for answers and this upcoming week we'll bring it altogether and put the pieces back to get a fuller understanding of the introduction.
Sunday 30: Parent/Ministry Gathering
We had a tremendous turn out of parents and other adults interested to hear about our ministry. The main focus of our ministry right now is to create opportunity for both students and adults to become involved in ministry by providing better training and structure to do so. The goal is to create healthier relationships that will deepen our ministry. Some of the ways we are doing that is starting a Student Ministry Team and a SNL Mentor Team. You can read more about what our ministry is doing by clicking on the "ABOUT US" tab and visiting the "GET INVOLVED" tab to see how you can plug your gifts into our ministry.