It may not be the best theological position, but this Saturday is probably one of my favorite holidays of the entire year: We roll back the clocks and get one extra hour of sleep! With our culture in a constant state of GO-GO-GO! I pray you use the extra time this weekend not to do more work, but to rest. I can't tell you how many of your kids tell me that their lives are too busy to rest...Help them find that space in their life before they get used to the unhealthy pattern that far too many of us are in.

Speaking of Go-Go-Go....Our weekend was filled with opportunities for students to connect with one another and the truth of Christ. Friday night was our 5th Quarter eventwhich featured the powerful "Lifehouse Everything" drama, Saturday night was a fun-filled evening for the ladies during the Girls Only Destination Unknown, and we wrapped up the weekend with our Harvest Party. Make sure you click on the Event Review tab to read more about each event and see some scary pictures of your Youth Pastor's costume.