- Justin is eating lunch at Manor Middle (Weds, all 3 lunches) : Certain students have signed up for me to be "based" at their table at each lunch but I'll be roaming around to connect with as many of our group as I can!
- Deeper Bible Study (Weds 7-8:30pm, Youth Room) : We continue our journey together as we learn what it means to be transformed into the person of Christ. We use small groups, discussion, study and practice of what it means to grow closer to Christ, in addition to the book, RENOVATION OF THE HEART.
- Sunday Encounter / Parent Gathering (10-11am) : We're into our fall program as we split the Jr and Sr High up. See "Sunday Mornings" tab for more info.
- SNL Youth Group 6:30-8:30pm : We'll be focusing on "serving needs" of the community around us as we brainstorm a project to do on Friday Nov 12 at our Early Out Outreach.
- Fall Retreat (Event Nov 19-21)
- Sr High All Night Bowling (Event: Nov26)
- We're in need of more adults and students for this event to take place. We do not have enough of either at this point, so sign up today! We will make a decision about canceling the event on November 14.
Here's what's coming up this week at Grace Youth Group~