Girls Enjoy Talent Show
By Debbie Burkhardt
The teen girls were given an opportunity to share their gifts and talents during December's GIRLS NITE. The theme of the evening was "Created to Shine". And shine they did! Emma Barley treated us by playing guitar and singing Taylor Swift songs. She recently sang in the Millersville's Got Talent Show. Scarlett Morris and Brooke DeBerdine played a Christmas song on their violins along with Abbie Busswood on her trumpet. Emily Laughlin strummed the beautiful ukalali, and Nicole played the guitar. Victoria Jones wowed the group with high throws and fancy spins while twirling baton. Allison Schaeffer ended the show by playing the piano.
Everyone did an amazing job but during our teaching time, the girls learned that not everyone has gift/talents that can be displayed on a stage, but everyone has an area where they shine. Genesis tells us we are created in God's image and Psalm 139 shows us we are wonderfully made. We are one of a kind, created to have a relationship with God and to make Him visible to others. God gave each of us our own way of doing that!
Once we understand how we are made, we can accept ourselves and do what we were created for. The group looked at an acronym that shows four of the biggest things God has given us to form who we are:
- Skills
- Experiences
- Likes
- Foundation (personality)