It's hard to believe July is almost over...School is starting to peek its head over the sunny horizon. Students, don't miss two great events this Wednesday:
- Man Day Wednesday - 2-4pm: Guys meet in the gym for some competition!
- Girls Nite - 6pm: Girls meet at the Bigelows from 6-9pm for games, smores and a campfire. For those who can stay, they'll travel over to the Burkhardt's backyard for a camp out! Bring sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries and favorite game. Pick up will be 9am. For addresses or more details, email Justin Watkins at
Looking ahead to when we return from Baltimore...
- Sunday August 7 - SNL at the McMurtries, 7-10pm
- Monday August 8- Man Day Monday
- Wednesday August 10- Water Wars and Worship