I won't belabor the suspense...Our Dodgeball Tournament did not end in the triumphant glory that we have experienced in the past, but in some ways it was one of our best tournaments out of three years. We had the largest team of students we've ever had, including 7 students brand new to the experience. We faced the hardest teams and games we've ever faced (including three games that either came down to the final minute or Overtime play) but I was most impressed with the amount of integrity and postive attitude our team demonstrated throughout the day. Next week I will share how I was particularly impressed and encouraged by our 5 seniors.
Next week will also be an online sign up for the Chris Tomlin concert on March 18 and the Messiah Youth Conference (check out info on the March tab).
Read below about the Girls Spa Night from last week...Check back next week to see pictures and read stories about our Dodgeball Tournament!